Oh my goodness, the face of Android quits Google and joins Chinese roar-up.

Oh my goodness, the face of Android quits Google and joins Chinese roar-up.

Reshared post from +Hugo Barra

A new Android chapter

After nearly 5½ years at Google and almost 3 years as a member of the Android team — the most amazing group of people I've ever worked with in my life — I have decided to start a new career chapter.

In a few weeks, I'll be joining the Xiaomi team in China to help them expand their incredible product portfolio and business globally — as Vice President, Xiaomi Global.  I'm really looking forward to this new challenge, and am particularly excited about the opportunity to continue to help drive the Android ecosystem.

It has been an amazing ride and true honor to be part of the Android team at Google, and I especially want to thank +Andy Rubin , +Hiroshi Lockheimer , +Sundar Pichai and +Vic Gundotra for their phenomenal support and mentorship over the years.

+Android team, I will truly miss you all!

A new Android chapter After nearly 5½ years at Google and almost 3 years as a member of the Android team — the most amazing group of people I’ve ever worked with in my life — I have decided to start a new career chapter. In a few weeks, I’ll be joining the Xiaomi team in China to help them expand their incredible product portfolio and business globally — as Vice President, Xiaomi Global. I’m really looking forward to this new challenge, and am particularly excited about the opportunity to continue to help drive the Android ecosystem. It has been an amazing ride and true honor to be part of the Android team at Google, and I especially want to thank +Andy Rubin , +Hiroshi Lockheimer , +Sundar Pichai and +Vic Gundotra for their phenomenal support and mentorship over the years. +Android team, I will truly miss you all!

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Banks and Cloud – The staff in banks’ IT departments will have more time to brush…

Banks and Cloud – The staff in banks’ IT departments will have more time to brush up their solitaire skills.

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Silver linings
“I’VE only got one IT guy,” says Segun Akintemi, the chief executive of Renaissance Credit, a Nigerian moneylender that opened for business in October 2012 and…

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NoSQL distilled

If you have large amount of data in the correct format, then you can consider a large in process off-heap cache. Apache and Terracotta (the current owners of EHCache) has a free version. Off-Heap caches can be extremely large (100+ GB), because their contents are exempt from GC. 

On the other hand, if you have data that is aggregated from multiple source or requires significant processing, then a NoSQL solution can be useful. However you should be aware what you are doing. 

First you need to understand what type of NoSQL solutions, might be optimal for your purposes. A few thing to consider: CAP, supported data models, replication, scalability, consistency, read or write path optimised, in memory / distributed, data center support. 

Second you need to understand the differences in data modelling compared to traditional SQL solution. Without this knowledge you will introduce performance and consistency problems that will eventually "kill" your application, if you are lucky (Distributed NoSQL solutions tend to like denormalised and redundant data representation. While SQL works best with normalised data). By the way forget about Joins and Transactions. 

Third make sure you have enough time to investigate and test the available solutions and gain experience with them. Preferably using examples from the problem domain you are trying to solve. 

A few useful links to get you started:


An advice, if you want "experience" and "adventure" then go with MongoDB. It maybe considered heresy here, but Spring Data and Spring Cache, or any other magical wrapper/abstraction layer/solution, may not be a best idea in the long run. 

In NoSQL performance come mostly from the well chosen data model and managing the levels of consistency. 

Finally do NOT store data in a NoSQL solution that you can't replace/rebuild. The provided backup capabilities may or may not be compatible, after version upgrade. Consider this as a fair warning.

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CAP theorem – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In theoretical computer science, the CAP theorem, also known as Brewer’s theorem, states that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees: Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time); Availability (a guarantee …

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