Technique DevOps applies traditional programming techniques to system administration…

Technique DevOps applies traditional programming techniques to system administration tasks. “It’s just treating IT operations as a software development problem.”

"Why people end up both hating and loving tools like Chef and Puppet. They're complicated and sometimes maddeningly unforgiving, but they bring a needed discipline to maintaining all of those servers we bought. We created them with that cloud magic, and now we need some cloud sauce to pour over them to keep that magic alive."

Puppet vs. Chef – The Battle Wages On

Puppet vs. Chef

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“You don’t get to start optimizing until you’ve made the servers fucking…

"You don’t get to start optimizing until you’ve made the servers fucking cry."Brian Boyer

Bees with machines guns is a fabric script that I put together to aggressively load-test our sites. It provides methods to spin up an army of EC2 instances (the bees), assault a target server with a configurable amount of traffic, and then spin those instances back down.

If you decide to use the Bees, please keep in mind the following important caveat: they are, more-or-less a distributed denial-of-service (DOS) attack in a fancy package and, therefore, if you point them at any server you don’t own you will behaving unethically, have your Amazon Web Services account locked-out, and be liable in a court of law for any downtime you cause!!!

You have been warned!!!

Now then – how does your server handle thousands of simultaneous connections?

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Bees with Machine Guns

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Design Is A Matter of Taste

13" Retina MacBook Pro, Mac "The Rubbish Bin" Pro, iPad Mini Retina. New Mac OS Mavericks, iWork, iLife all FREE.

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Live from Apple’s iPad 5 and iPad mini event – The Verge
Apple says that it has “a lot more to cover” at this year’s fall event. That surely means new iPads are coming, but what else does the company have in store? Liveblog Tips. Don’t refresh the page – new posts update in real time; New posts will show up on top of the page; Scroll to the bottom of …

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Rewrite Java in Scala – Concurrency and Scalability

First Scala has this Actor concept, designed to overcome Java's Shared Memory Model issue when programming in concurrency.

An Actor is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that encapsulate data, code and its own thread of control, and communicate asynchronously using immutable message passing techniques. So the basic architecture in Scala is shared-nothing, each actor acts in its own process space.

However, it's not end of road. From Scala 2.10, Akka's actor implementation is included as part of the Scala standard library.

Akka uses Actors independently executing processes that communicate via message passing as the foundation for fault tolerant applications where individual actors can fail without crashing everything. Perfect for high volume applications that need to scale rapidly. Akka is an efficient foundation for event driven systems that want to scale elastically up and out on demand, both on multi-core processors and across server nodes.

Moreover, Akka has a STM implementation that is based on the same ideas as found in the Clojure language; Managed References working with immutable data.

Software Transactional Memory (STM) is excellent for problems where you need consensus and a stable view of the state by providing compositional transactional shared state. Some of the really nice traits of STM are that transactions compose and that it raises the abstraction level from lock-based concurrency.

Akka is not only offering good concurrency and scalability characteristics, but also is excellent for building event-based systems.

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An essential part of running web services in the modern world – Concurrency is more…

An essential part of running web services in the modern world – Concurrency is more important than ever

Scala, from its first draft of design, is to let you write concurrent code, and extremely fast concurrent code.

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The Second Coming of Java: A Relic Returns to Rule Web | Wired Enterprise |
Raffi Krikorian, vice president of engineering at Twitter. Photo: WIRED/Alex Washburn Biz Stone called it “one of the most special days in the history

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Notifu – the notification application calls you when the food is ready

I always have a big trouble after kick off a lengthy running task on my PC. Maybe it's an integration test takes about a few hours, or make a tar ball of a 20GB folder with one million files under.

To show my colleagues I'm productive and multitasking person, rather than idly doing nothing and waiting for the job done, I'd like open the browser and go to Kogan to find out some bargains. But, there is a problem. I have to keep switching back to this lengthy job window from time to time checking whether it's finished or not. This make me lose my concentration and high quality time making shopping orders online.

Now, come with Notifu, a small notification application which can run any Microsoft Windows and has no dependency on any others. Just run it after lengthy job in the pipeline:

notifu.exe /m "Job is done. Time for dinner!"

in DOS Prompt or Cygwin window. You will receive standard Windows notification message after lengthy job is done. And you won't be bothered to whether the job is done or not again and again.

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